Frequently Asked Questions

What is Integrative Health Coaching and how can I benefit?
An integrative health coach combines the best of multiple health fields to bring you the highest impact health practices available. From proper fasting techniques and toxicity removal, to functional medicine supplement protocols and detoxes to address the root causes of un-wellness, I’ve got you covered! Here are just some of the ways you may benefit:
- Discover the root causes of why you haven’t been functioning optimally, and how to incorporate practices that make you feel alive again!
- Learn about food sensitivities, which ‘healthy’ foods work for your body, and which ones don’t.
- Understand how different types of stress impact your body and mind, and how to work with your own variety.
- How to build an effective exercise routine, no matter your current fitness level.
- Recognizing toxicities in your environment, and what to do about them.
- Tracking the habits and behaviors that lead to the biggest impact on your health.
An integrative health coach views you not as flabby, skinny or sick, but as someone who is intrinsically healthy and capable of making the choices to align with their best self (along with a little guidance from me to focus on the right areas).

What should I expect at my first integrative health coaching session?
Regardless of in-person or remote coaching sessions, new clients will first schedule a time to talk with me. Upon signing up for session time, you will be prompted to fill in and submit an intake form. This will allow me time to assess your current conditions, and prepare a personalized action plan before our first call. If we should decide to work together, our first formal session will be 60 minutes. Here, we will delve further into your symptoms and needs, followed by the co-creation of your customized health action plan and recommended labs and supplement protocols.

What are these Labs you speak of?
As an Integrative Health Practitioner, I am certified to read functional medicine labs. These labs (ordered through a doctor’s practice in my health coaching network) provide you invaluable knowledge of what’s specifically going on within your body. Whether that be a nutrient deficiency, an under-active thyroid or bacterial overgrowth in your digestive system, testing will take all of the mystery out of discovering what is ailing you. A true Health coach will always tell you: ‘Don’t guess, test!’
And while we can create dramatic results and transformation without lab testing, the process will become expedited if we’re able to discern the root cause early as possible. Some of the tests I can deliver on:
- Vitamin and mineral levels
- Gut health and bacterial/yeast/parasite overgrowth
- Omega 3 fatty acid levels
- Food sensitivity
- Thyroid and hormone function
- Heavy metals
- Mold and environmental toxicity
Arrange a call with Derek today to learn more about which test is right for your presenting symptoms.

What would these labs test for?
As a general overview, we would be able to test your:
- Vitamin and mineral levels (to discover nutrient deficiencies).
- Gut health and bacterial/yeast/parasite overgrowth (to address persistent digestive issues or weight gain).
- Omega 3 fatty acid levels (for inflammation, brain fog, and persistent weight gain).
- Food sensitivity (for the hidden ‘health’ foods that could be exacerbating weight gain or digestive discomfort).
- Thyroid and hormone function (to determine if you’re being hindered by imbalanced cortisol or other hormone levels).
- Heavy metals, mold and environmental toxicity (combine these lines) (to find if you are or have been negatively impacted by chemicals or pathogens in your daily life).
Arrange a call with Derek today to learn more about which test is right for your presenting symptoms.

What is a Functional Medicine Detox?
A functional medicine detox is a 7, 14, or 21 day program I recommend to virtually all wellness clients looking to begin a health plan. Using a combination of short term dietary intervention, nutritional support shakes and liver detoxifying supplements, you can expect to lose weight and inflammation (5-15 lbs), improve digestion and increase energy, among numerous other benefits.

Will I need to be on a strict diet?
One thing is for certain; there is no perfect diet plan for everyone!
While I don’t advocate for counting calories or permanently restrictive meal plans, I do promote short term removal of the most common food sensitivities to ‘calm’ the digestive system and reduce inflammation. I also support you with food and meal guidelines which aim to repair the gut, increase digestive strength and fortify it with healthy levels of ‘good’ bacteria. After 3-6 weeks of ‘clean’ eating, we typically reintroduce other foods into your meal plan, carefully monitoring any adverse symptoms which may come up as a result. Together, we discover what works and what doesn’t for you!

What’s the difference between an Integrative Health Coach, a Nutritionist and a Personal Trainer?
While personal trainers have in-depth knowledge in exercise programming, and Nutritionists in food planning, an Integrative Health Coach focuses on the person and their environment as a whole, and looks at a myriad of reasons why their clients aren’t feeling and looking their best. On top of exercise and diet support, Integrative Health Practitioners are versed in addressing dysfunctions with hormones, stress, toxicities and recommending supplements to expedite client well being. Check out my blog post that further-explores the difference between the three.

How long do typical Health Coaching agreements last?
Though client-coach relationships can last for years, depending on severity of symptoms presented, typically clients begin with three or six month programs and go from there.

How often do coach and client meet? How do we stay in touch between sessions?
Communication and follow up are the keys to a successful coaching relationship! We will schedule to speak once per month for 30-60 minute virtual or in-person sessions. These calls will cover your progress, go over any lab results, and make adjustments to plan, if necessary. In addition to that, clients receive weekly planning sheets to set up their subsequent days ahead for intention-setting success. Finally, clients utilize the LifeUP Health Coaching App for daily behavior tracking and monitoring, so we always know what direction you’re headed in!

Derek works with Corporations
Derek conducted a four week intensive Healthy Habits training with Baker Hughes (NYSE: BKR) and helped improve participants’ overall health and productivity. At the end of the program, we found:
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